
Salford Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service

A Salford Council service that provides welfare benefits and debt advice. Also a training provider to agencies and community groups

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Salford Unemployed and Community Resource Centre

SUCRC offers a range of support services for our community, including older people, people with disabilities, unemployed people and workers who are facing difficulties. These include educational facilities and advice & representation for people facing problems with debt management, benefits information, basic literacy, numeracy skills and IT, confidence building, healthy living and CV writing. The service Salford Prison Project which supports ex-offenders.

Salix Homes

Salix Homes provides social housing for people in need in Salford, with 8,500 homes Salix also provide jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities for local people. Help with benefits and money advice is also provided to tenants.

Salford Carers

Salford Carers Centre has been supporting carers since 2001 and provides a range of services to enhance the lives of unpaid carers of all ages. The Centre has services and support for adult carers, young adult carers and young carers. Carers are referred to the service via local statutory and voluntary agencies and carers are also able to self refer.

Mind in Salford

Mind in Salford is an independent, user focused charity providing quality services to make a positive difference to the wellbeing and mental health of the people of Salford. Services include advocacy, welfare rights and benefit advice for people in Salford receiving treatment for a mental health condition, whether from their GP, Psychiatrist, CPN or other specialist.

Great Places Housing Group

A social housing provider with 2,700 homes in Salford, including several sheltered housing developments for older people in the city and a flagship supported housing scheme for women with complex needs. Great Places provide services to tenants ranging from money advice to education and training

Broughton Trust

The Broughton Trust was set up in 1999. It is a charity and company limited by guarantee. It has a board of fifteen members, eight who are residents and seven from organisations such as Social Landlords, Salford University and Salford Council. The Trust provides adult learning, youth work, employment support and community development across East Salford. Most of its employees and volunteers live locally.

City West Housing Trust

City West Housing Trust, is a not-for-profit housing association that owns and manages over 14,600 homes in the North West. Provides many services to tenants including money and benefits advice through Financial Support Officers.

Age UK Salford

Age UK Salford is an independent local charity, established almost 40 years ago. Improves later life for all older people in Salford, through the provision of support, advocacy and direct services.

Citizens Advice Salford

Citizens Advice Salford is independent and provides free, confidential, impartial advice to Salford residents and those registered with a Salford GP. Providing advice across all enquiry areas the service also provides training to agencies in the City.