Training sessions and workshops that are provided by Salford Advice and Information Network partners.
Responding to hardship and crisis (new workshop)
How to respond to and prevent recurring crisis and hardship. The workshop includes accessing Salford Discretionary Support Scheme hardship payments, benefit advances, food banks and charity applications.
Benefit sanctions and work conditions
Find out how to support vulnerable people to manage their claimant commitment with Jobcentre plus and get tips and tactics on challenging sanction decisions.
Get right up to date with the introduction of Universal Credit in Salford. Find out who is affected, how Universal Credit works and how to manage monthly payments.
Universal Credit and housing costs
For those with a basic knowledge of Universal Credit this workshop provides all you need to know about the housing cost element with practical tips for problem solving and supporting tenants to pay the rent.
Employment and Support Allowance form filling
A practical workshop to give you the basic skills and confidence to understand the work capability assessment, support people with their ESA50 or UC50 forms and challenge decisions.
Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
Get up to date with how PIP is replacing Disability Living Allowance and how you can support disabled residents to claim PIP and challenge decisions.
Basic benefit checking for older people (new workshop)
Build your confidence in identifying missing benefits for older or disabled people and their carers. Aimed at those with little or no benefit knowledge or those that need an update.
Paying for non-residential care
If you’re involved in arranging care or working with carers this course will give you a basic understanding of the council’s policy on charging for support in the community.
Mindfulness courses
- Mindfulness Teacher Training Course
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Mindfulness Taster
Rights focused courses
- Equality and Diversity
- Advocacy and Human Rights
- Advocacy Training for the Statutory Sector: Care Act, IMCA, DoLS, IMHA
Wellbeing courses
- Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing
- Self-Advocacy Skills
- “Getting on with People”
Carer Awareness Training
If you are working with families, in a community or voluntary organisation, in health or in social care, you are in a key position to identify hidden carers.
Free awareness training, tailored to your team’s needs, in a venue that is convenient for you can be provided to help you to identify, support and refer carers.
Do you provide training?
If you provide training and would like us to promote this contact us.